
Our Association meets the needs of the victims of domestic violence. Thus, we take into consideration security and social aspects, psychological and legal. The specialized team supports the abused women and children who are hosted in our shelter and try to get the best vision of their past, to support them in starting a new and independent life with self esteem, trust and new familiar connections.
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The shelter provides professional care and safety measures for needy women, victims of human trafficking. The main objective of our work is based on the commitment to fight for women’s rights and to strengthen their desire for a new and independent life. The shelter is a key place in order to succeed in fighting against human traffic. It’s not about a safety house or a mere place to five. Generally speaking, the victims lose their dignity and self confidence, that’s why the shelter offers them a new opportunity when talking about independence and self esteem. Thus, the structure of the shelter, the shared responsibilities and the counseling program are thought to prevent different traps trafficked women may face, such as stereotypy.
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Training programs offered by professionals in preventing and combating violence against woman and child. The program is aimed at both the staff association and public/private partners. Working with the victims of violence, the professionals should keep in mind that domestic violence is not a crime, but some actions yes, such as: stripes, harassment and marital rape. They must know how to act and kind of support should they provide. Understanding domestic violence forms should be a mandatory part in university training not just an optional one. Each group of professionals who attends victims of domestic violence (women or children) should be well trained and involved in many other fields, such as: police, justice, medicine, education, and social care.
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Promoting women’s rights, women who are victims of violence, requires: organizing information and awareness campaigns in schools, high-school, different communities to awake the consciousness regarding the imminent phenomenon of violence against women and children. Solwodi Association organizes regularly information sessions among young in different Romanian high-schools. We try to prepare future generations to the adult world challenges so that they become able to differentiate the abusive relations and the healthy ones, to recognize the signs of a form of violence on them or on the others, to discover some useful ways to get rid of abusive situations.
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